Mp3 Download song None The Less Shattered FREE Mp3 Download Song Lyrics. None The Less song lyrics

None The Less - Shattered Lyrics

She doesn't see
All alone while she breathes
She can't concentrate
She's so busy

She doesn't have
She's so beautiful
He tries
To convince to her
She thinks he lies

Why is the little shatter in her eyes?
To him he has the greatest prize on earth
She feels so lucky
But he's the luckiest guy in the universe

She doesn't realize
What you've came to see
The prize inside
Painful to be me
Just to hear her say
She finds the prize inside her
Want things
Tells me
To change
She still thinks he's lying
Wish you could find a person to prove that he is not a lire

Why is the little shatter in her eyes?
To him he has the greatest prize on earth
She feels so lucky
But he's the luckiest guy in the universe

Lets go!

Why is the little shatter in her eyes?
To him he has the greatest prize on earth
She feels so lucky
But he's the luckiest guy in the universe

Why is the little shatter in her eyes?
To him he has the greatest prize on earth
She feels so lucky
But he's the luckiest guy in the universe

Why is the little shatter in her eyes?
To me she is the greatest prize on earth
She feels so lucky
But he's the luckiest guy in the universe
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